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Updated: May 22, 2023

Welcome to Caged CrossFit's little corner of the internet. We're happy you're here.

What can you expect to find in our new blog?

  • Educational content! Better yourself with the power of education. If you know the why behind what you are already doing in the gym, or maybe the person you're competing against is doing, you're goign to be one step closer to being that much better.

  • New gym happenings! Did you know that we moved locations? Did you know we have a new coach? Did you know we expanded our equipment by more than 50%?! If you didn't, you can read about it soon enough here.

  • Coaches corner! What is our head coach really thinking when he's shutting down for the evening? OK, maybe we don't want to know everything, but maybe we would like his take on 23.1 and how he plans on tackling the workout!

  • Recipes! Stuck on what to make for dinner quickly tonight, but don't want unhealthy take out? We got you covered. Feel free to feed your family tonight on us.

  • More! Not everything gets a fancy bullet point, sometimes we just have something to say!

And as always, don't be a stranger, stop in and hit a workout with us!


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